Seems TxDOT wants UNIVERSAL CITY TX to now have its equal share of crashes as the rest of northern Bexar County did in the past 3 decades.

At the initial start of the Project CSJ 2452-03-112 aka Loop 1604 from I-35 to FM 78 Mobility Improvements;

There were several crashes weekly, at north bound Loop 1604 and GRANADA DR. This was a direct result of the deceleration and acceleration lanes (roadway shoulder) of Loop 1604 being totally eliminated. Vehicles traveling at near 65mph, would come to a near total stop before turning out onto GRANADA DR. Or vehicles from GRANADA DR turning from a dead stop, into a 65mph roadway to head north.

After several complaint calls and emails requesting for the closure of both GRANADA DR and PALISADES DR. TxDOT stated they had to ask UNIVERSAL CITY TX for permission and then TxDOT ONLY closed GRANADA DR. Crashes were greatly reduced but not totally eliminated.

The contractor throughout the project failed to place the required traffic devices and the assigned TxDOT inspector failed to ensure that the contractor was following TxDOT standards and engineering for the project. Emails and calls about this were for the most part ignored.

Now over two(2) years later, the crashes again have been on an up-tick within the project area. In fall of 2022. A preliminary audit was completed finding many traffic safety issues. AS BUILT records were obtained and additional issues were discovered. In February 2023, another more detailed audit was completed, resulting in more traffic safety issues being identified.

A late evening during darkness “rolling meeting” was requested. A TxDOT intern area maintenance engineer was assigned. This engineer failed to honor the terms and specifics of my request and just wanted to know the issues without the late evening meeting.

I requested another TxDOT employee to meet with me. I then got a message stating that a rolling meeting could not be done. And TxDOT just wanted the data of the issues and not a meeting as requested.

So TxDOT, here is the “train wreck” that you created. Since now TxDOT fails to work with me to address any of the traffic safety endangerments timely, as they did in the last three decades.

It is now a matter of time before the crash numbers get worse and it involves a family member or friend.

Here’s your sign;